The Oscar's 2022 was definitely a memorable event but, not because of the celebrity attire or awards. The Oscar's 2022 will be remembered for Will Smith walking on stage to slap host Chris Rock in the face. The initial 'spark' for this was a joke that Chris Rock made about Jada Pinkett Smith hairstyle "GI Jane 2 can't wait to see it".
Will Smith cussed out at Chris Rock telling him to "keep my wife's name out your explicit mouth." He later received a standing ovation after winning best actor for his role in the biopic King Richard. During his speech, Will Smith apologized to the academy but not to Chris Rock.
The Academy has since taken disciplinary actions against Will Smith. Will Smith has since put out a public apology to Chris Rock saying that "I was out of line and I was wrong". He also resigned from his position in the academy. He can still win academy awards but can no longer have a say to what films can get nominated.
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